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Press Releases > CDE Releases > Cadott FFA Wins State Agronomy Contest

Cadott FFA Wins State Agronomy Contest

June 13, 2023 CDE

 The Cadott FFA Chapter was named the state winning Agronomy Career Development Event Team. Team members include Henry Danielson, Ashton Bremness, Nicklas Goettl, and Nick Rowe. Their advisor is Keith Becker. Additionally, Henry Danielson from the Cadott FFA was the top individual. 

Through this contest, participants illustrate an understanding of sustainable agriculture and environmental stewardship by identifying crops, weeds, seeds, insects, diseases, plant nutrient deficiencies, and plant disorders. Additionally, students must demonstrate their knowledge in the areas of grading and pricing crops.

Cadott will now represent Wisconsin FFA in competition at the National FFA Career Development Events to be held in November in Indianapolis, Indiana during the 96th National FFA Convention. The Agronomy CDE is sponsored on the state level by United Cooperative. The National sponsors are Bayer and Nutrien Ag Solutions.

Career Development Events engage students in developing their communication, decision-making, and teamwork skills to promote future career success.